Pap Smears and Cervical Biopsies
Our Gynecological Cytology – Pap Smear tests screen the disorders of the female genital tract, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina and vulva, along with potentially precancerous lesions of the cervix.
In these tests, a collection of cells from the outer opening of the cervix are examined to look for abnormalities. The test is used for early detection of pre-cancer and cervical cancer usually caused by sexually transmitted human papillomaviruses (HPV), along with infections and abnormalities in the endocervix and endometrium.
Our clinical testing support staff provide all additional information necessary to ensure you receive all that you need, whenever you need it. Please note that when ordering test for which medicare or medicaid reimbursement will be sought, physician should only order test that are medically necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of the patient.
The available Pap Gynecologic Cytology tests include:
- Pap Smear – Slide
- Pap Smear – Liquid
- GC Chlamydia